Amsterdam and Paris 2015 – Day 3 – The Red Light District, Amstelkring Museum, and Westerpark

Day 3 in Amsterdam – The Red Light District, Amstelkring Museum, and Westerpark (Continued from Day 2) No trip to Amsterdam is complete without a peek at the city’s oldest neighborhood, which has hosted the world’s oldest profession since the year 1200.  The Dutch call this area “De Wallen” or “The Walls”, after the old city walls that once stood…

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Amsterdam and Paris 2015 – Day 2 – The Six Collection, Electric Ladyland (the First Museum of Fluorescent Art), and EyeBar

Day 2 in Amsterdam – The Six Collection, Electric Ladyland (the First Museum of Fluorescent Art), and EyeBar(Continued from Day 1) It’s amazing what 31 hours of being awake, followed by half an ambient and a comfortable bed will do for you.  Woke up feeling very rested, and we faced the day with great anticipation, for today we were going…

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Dr. Plotnick’s Moroccan Cat Adventure – Day 9 – Train Trip to Tangier

I’ve always wanted to visit Tangier.  The city is at the meeting point of two continents and two seas, and it defies comparison with any other city in Morocco.  For the first half of the 20thcentury, Tangier was an international city, with its own laws and its own administration.  It attracted a lot of writers, including Paul Bowles, the American…

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Dr. Plotnick’s Moroccan Cat Adventure – Day 8, Part 2 – The Donkeys of Fes Need You!

After visiting the Royal Granaries in Meknes, we decided to skip the medina in Meknes.  It was a tough decision, but we had hired our driver, Naji, just for the day, and we had to decide what to do:  explore the souks and food stalls in the Meknes medina, or visit the American Fondouk, a veterinary hospital just outside the…

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Dr. Plotnick’s Moroccan Cat Adventure – Day 8, Part 1 – Meknes and the Roman ruins of Volubilis

Fes’s location allows for some neat day trips.  A popular destination from Fes is the city of Meknes and the Roman ruins of Volubilis.  Mark and I have always enjoyed Greek and Roman ruins, and the ruins and Volubilis were said to be impressive.  So much so that the site was a key location for Martin Scorsese’s film The Last…

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Dr. Plotnick’s Moroccan Cat Adventure – Day 7 – Last Day in Fes

Today our itinerary was simple.  Just stroll through Fes with no sites in mind and no agenda to speak of.  There’s 9600 streets and alleys.  Plenty to explore. We made our way to Bab Boujeloud, but this time we veered right, onto the other main artery, Tala’a Sghira, to see what we’d find.  The first stretch consists of another market. …

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Dr. Plotnick’s Moroccan Cat Adventure – Day 4 – Essaouira

Day trip!  Our destination: the beautiful coastal fishing town of Essaouira Essaouira has an interesting history. Today, it’s a favorite destination for the picturesque fishing harbor, the twisting little alleyways, and the sand, sea and surf.  It used to be a hippie hangout for surfers and expat artists, and though the city now hosts a broader range of visitors, you…

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Dr. Plotnick’s Moroccan Cat Adventure – Day 3 – Marrakech

I started my Saturday in Morocco with our riad’s lavish rooftop terrace breakfast, only this time I was joined by the resident cat.  Soon afterward, we were joined by the neighborhood tomcat, who hopped onto the terrace from a nearby rooftop, and made himself at home in the covered seating area on the terrace.   Yesterday we explored sites in the…

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Dr. Plotnick’s Moroccan Cat Adventure – Day 1 – Welcome to Marrakech

It was that time of the year again: Memorial Day.  I like Memorial Day because not only does it signify the start of summer (my favorite season), it also means that I get to go on vacation!  My cat hospital is open seven days a week, and I can’t have our other veterinarian, Dr. Sheheri, work 11 days straight while I’m gone. …

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